Director's Message

To achieve your success you will have had to navigate a difficult journey. Involving hard work, personal cost, perseverence and commitment. you are now equiped intellectulay & in every way for the professional career that lies ahead.

Pakistan with highly talented people, only needs conducive, enabling & encouraging enviroment which may help them to exploit their talent mental faculties & utilize their energies & potential for socio echonomic benefits & empowerment. This is what MUET believe to better exploit & utilize their capabilities for advancement of science & technology & knowledge power to socio-economic benefits to all segments of the society as well as the nation.

Co-Director's Message

We can offer an excellent richness and diversity of educational experiences. We have experienced a period of amazing growth with faculty, facilities, programs, and research initiatives, while consistently improving the quality of our programs and students, as we continue to excel.

The mission of the Information & Communication Technology is to develop and maintain high quality Post-Graduate programs in various ICT based courses to meet the needs of its constituents, and to participate in scholarly and productive research that contributes to the economic well being and quality of life for our country Pakistan.

Update your contact Information

All students of IICT are requested to kindly update their contact information to avoid missing any important information.

This information will be used for official documentation and for sharing the important information and/or information regarding seminars, schedules or viva etc.

Please provide the contact details that is your current use to receive information timely without any delay.

Jobs for Masters Students
Jobs for ME Graduates

Social Media
Social Media Pages

All the latest information, news and opportunities are shared on our official facebook page.

Web Developer
Dr. Azam Rafique Memon

In case of any error or mistake please contact.