Telecommunication Engineering

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology has got the privilege to establish the Telecommunication Department for the first time in the history of all Public and Private sector universities of Pakistan. Keeping in view the tremendous growth of Telecom Sector, there is great scope and consumption of Telecom Engineers, Experts and Solution Providers; therefore in year 2001 MUET started the program to produce graduates exclusively in Telecommunication Engineering by bifurcating the Electronic Department. The department would like to augment its existing programs to produce the high quality Telecom Personnel in various specialized areas such as Mobile and Wireless Communication, Terrestrial Satellite Communication, Multimedia & Networking under the establishment of Institute of Communication Technologies (ICT). HEC has already selected MUET as an ICT hub.

The department is also equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories. Some of them are listed below:

> PC-1 Laboratory
> Optical Communication Lab
> Network & Protocol Design Lab
> Transmission & Switching Laboratory
> Project Lab
> Analog & Digital Communication Laboratory
> Cellular Communication Laboratory
> Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
> Radio Communication Laboratory
> PC-2 Laboratory
> Advance Computing Laboratory

Update your contact Information

All students of IICT are requested to kindly update their contact information to avoid missing any important information.

This information will be used for official documentation and for sharing the important information and/or information regarding seminars, schedules or viva etc.

Please provide the contact details that is your current use to receive information timely without any delay.

Jobs for Masters Students
Jobs for ME Graduates

Social Media
Social Media Pages

All the latest information, news and opportunities are shared on our official facebook page.

Web Developer
Dr. Azam Rafique Memon

In case of any error or mistake please contact.